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QuOTe fEr d" wEEk!!!

I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older Then it dawned on me . . . they were cramming for their finals.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Apun gay nahin he!!!!

K... about a week or so back i was tagged by this friend Anphy... The tag asks this of me, "Write eight random facts about ur life and pass it on to 8 people"... Well... Part one seems like a good chance to advertise myself to the female community out der... Now if only i cud loan out a bit of narcissism from here i think i could do some justice to the 'art of lying very well'... Honesty, might not be the best policy here... So, ladies, if you all get very impressed by some random ranting here, well, take a token and please stand in queue... Its rite next to the line titled -"Down with the Procrastinator!!! Snipe the nut" which consists of

a) Girls who know me well

b) Girls who read my previous post (Yes... wat u heard is true... I did recieve threat notes)

The second part... what yaar... work in McAfee and spam people... ye mujhse nahin hoga... Doesnt seem rite to a person with moral fabric like mine (yes... u guessed it rite... the lying has begun)... K... enuf beating 'bout the Bush (lets leave that to Mr. Osama and the spirit of Sadam Hussain shall v)... Lemme start boring random souls here.

First and the most important thing to clear... I am not GAY... I dont know what google has against or for what reason i hav been dragged(by GOOGLE) into this massive conspiracy to defame me, but, trust me when I say this... The GAYchaat* ad often put up rite next to my blog is not my idea... Its not the first time google has tried to defame me in such a manner... Check this out. Abe yaar... Abhi, 6ft 5in man, with rippling muscles is someone you wont mistake me for even if you suffer from severe incremenosoma ( a disease i just made up in which someone like me looks like the above description) - ppl who know me would have guessed that its a very serious disease, and, Richard Gere - as soon as he hears about it will be down to kiss Shilpa Shetty all over again spread Incremenosoma awareness

Secondly, and I am absolutely sure this wont come as a surprise to you... I am exceptionally talented in the art of procrastinating.. Its what i do... Procrastinate - delegate - laze around all day while pretending to be very very busy and get my work done by others... Infact, I am so amazed of this piece of talent of mine, that i am considering taking up an MBA degree... I mite just pass out in one year, given that I am naturally gifted at all the skills a manager should possess... :)
DISCLAIMER: The above said for all practical purposes does not apply to my manager... Especially if he reads it...

Thirdly, I am very easily inspired... Anything and everything inspires me... Even the movie Shivaji...( well... for sure...if any Rajni fan reads this I am gonna end up with a broken spine tomorrow)... But, once inspired the heat drops exponentially... Dont ask me what-when-why-how...?? Manufacturing defect i think... just like the Motorola mobiles... Charges up in 20 minutes.. Discharges in 5... wow... wat a technology... I mean...companies of the repute of Motorola cant have these kind of manufacturing defects can they (:p)

Wow... I know its just the next paragraph here, but, its taken me 3 more weeks to get here..Believe it or not... I have actually been busy... Piled up under tons of work.. Mayb even quintals.. Man... My average time in the office has not been less than 11 hours for the last month... (P.S.: This sentence you are allowed to show my manager... Infact, its largely been put for his benefit... Please someone point it out to him)
Neways... where was I? Oh yeah...
Number four ... Number four would be... hmmm... I am blank... completely blank... Yeah sure, I would love to say i am daring, dashing and extremely charming... But, I hear there are laws against lying to that extent in many countries... That I cant afford... Any country that has laws weird enough as that is bound to have a female dumb enough to go into wedlock with me.

Five, Six, Seven and Eight... I am gonna keep this short just incase there are any of you somehow, by some miracle of nature still left awake... Atleast once you ALL shouldnt fall asleep during this period of weekly/monthly torture you subject yourself to. So here's the express train:

Am a big fan of travelling/trekking. Have to go out somewhere atleast once a month.

New passion... Biking.. Only coz I spend a huge amount of money on buying one, scraped one Window, which for some reason the girls find 'koooool' and have mistaken me to be extremely daring performing stunts on the same 24 7... GOD forbid any of these meet the vegetable vendor I almost ran over.

The two things that matter most to me in the world are friendship and family... Ofcourse, this select friendship is restricted to only those who strongly believe in "Never borrow, always lend if you want to keep a friend" and family cause, one of the only two ladies who have ever called me handsome (true to the saying, "A face only a mum could love") is my mum. The other, well, I dont want to divulge much information right now, but, I want to request you all to pray for her Eye Surgery scheduled later this month.

Oh... finally... I am here.. Number eight... Hmmmm... I strongly dislike the word "Whatever"... Infact I hate it... Don ask me y?? Guess its one of those crazy things every individual must have, how much ever they did like to consider themselves normal (Yes, that includes you as well)... Like a close friend once said to me... "You are unique, just like everyone else"

Oh and... wrt passing on the tag, i choose Princess Banter and Anuradha. Definitely two of the better bloggers i know and I cant wait to read their posts on this.


Unknown said...

Charges up in 20 minutes.. Discharges in 5... wow... wat a technology

hmmm.. the two motorolites would be hunting for you for this.... :)

Anphy said...

finally. my tag seems to hve improved your blogging skills :P
was a good one.though 6feet 5 inches seems to be the height of the art of lying.

Princess Banter said...

Damn darling... you totally need to update your blog!!! Growing cobwebs here!!!

Anonymous said...

It seems your bike went for a swim. We want your side story. We are anxiously waiting.

Confessions of a Born Procrastinator said...

he he.. probably... will stay out of arms reach of RGC

Confessions of a Born Procrastinator said...

he he... din kno it was possible to further elevate my blogging skills... :p

Confessions of a Born Procrastinator said...

@princess banter...
sweet of you to notice... guess i have not been sincere to this art called blogging... will be back in action soon...dats a promise.

Confessions of a Born Procrastinator said...

shall try to include the story in the next blog.

Anonymous said...
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